Download NetBenefits for Windows 2023

The “NetBenefits” app by Fidelity Investments is a popular financial app designed for employees to manage their workplace retirement accounts and other benefits offered by their employers through Fidelity.

The app allows users to access their 401(k), 403(b), pension, and other retirement accounts, as well as health savings accounts (HSAs), stock options, and other workplace benefits.

With the NetBenefits app, users can perform various functions, such as:

  1. Account Balance and Transaction Information: Users can check their account balances, view transaction history, and monitor their investment performance.
  2. Contribution Management: Users can adjust their contribution amounts to their retirement accounts and other benefit plans.
  3. Investment Options: The app provides information on various investment options available within retirement accounts, allowing users to make informed decisions about their investments.
  4. Retirement Planning Tools: NetBenefits may offer retirement planning tools and calculators to help users project their future savings and plan for retirement.
  5. Educational Resources: The app may provide educational materials and resources to help users understand their benefits, retirement planning, and investment strategies.
  6. Customer Support: Users can access customer support through the app to get assistance with any account-related issues.

How to Download NetBenefits for Windows

To download the NetBenefits app for Windows using an Android emulator, you’ll need to follow these steps. We’ll use the popular Android emulator called “Bluestacks” as an example. Bluestacks allows you to run Android apps on your Windows computer. Here’s a detailed guide:

Step 1: Download and Install Bluestacks

  • Go to the official website of Bluestacks ( using your Windows computer.
  • Click on the “Download Bluestacks” button to download the installer.
  • Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Bluestacks on your computer.
  • The installation process may take a few minutes, so be patient.

Step 2: Launch Bluestacks

  • Once Bluestacks is installed, launch it from your Windows desktop or the Start menu.
  • The first-time setup might take a bit longer as it prepares to run the Android environment on your computer.

Step 3: Sign in with a Google Account

  • You will be asked to sign in with your Google account to access the Google Play Store within Bluestacks. If you don’t have a Google account, you’ll need to create one.

Step 4: Access the Google Play Store

  • After signing in, you’ll be taken to the Bluestacks home screen.
  • Look for the “Google Play Store” app icon on the home screen and click on it to open the Play Store.

Step 5: Search for NetBenefits

  • In the Google Play Store, use the search bar at the top to search for “NetBenefits – Fidelity at Work” app.

Step 6: Install NetBenefits

  • Once you find the NetBenefits app, click on the “Install” button to begin the installation.
  • The app will be downloaded and installed on your Bluestacks emulator.

Step 7: Launch NetBenefits

  • After installation is complete, you can either click the “Open” button from the Google Play Store or go back to the Bluestacks home screen and find the NetBenefits app icon.
  • Click on the NetBenefits app icon to launch it.

Step 8: Log in to NetBenefits

  • When you launch the NetBenefits app, you’ll need to log in with your Fidelity account credentials. If you don’t have an account, you may need to sign up first on Fidelity’s official website.

Step 9: Use NetBenefits

  • Once you log in, you can start using the NetBenefits app on your Windows computer through the Bluestacks emulator. You’ll have access to your workplace retirement accounts, benefits, and other financial information.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded and installed the NetBenefits app for Windows using the Bluestacks Android emulator. Now you can manage your Fidelity retirement accounts and workplace benefits conveniently from your computer.

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